Prophecy Letters
"Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." Matt. 13:16-17
The Prophecy Letter is a circular letter that we send out relating to the development of latter-day prophecy.
January 2025
Trump’s Presidency & Prophecy – What Can We Expect?
TGP Prophecy Letter – January 23, 2025
Donald Trump was officially made America’s 47th President of the United States on January 20, and he has already begun to make good on some of his campaign promises. What follows is a fairly long list of articles, but please read each to get an idea of how drastic a change his presidency already is:
Trump removes Biden-era weapon shipment restrictions on Israel | World Israel News
Trump pulls U.S. out of world's biggest climate deal – Daily Mail
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions, tariffs if Putin doesn't end Ukraine war – CNBC
Trump nixes sanctions on Israeli settlers days after Biden extended them – World Israel News
Trump to immediately halt funding to UNRWA – World Israel News
From this early stage, Trump’s election has already marked a stark change in US policy on many issues, and it’s noteworthy how quickly many nations are responding and pivoting. There’s so much going on that it’s honestly difficult to discuss it all in a cohesive way, but we will try.
In my mind, there are two big questions regarding Trump’s election:
1. How might this lead or contribute to Israel’s isolation as shown in prophecy?
2. How might this align the nations into their prophesied positions?
For the sake of clarity, let’s consider each under its own heading. While this article is a little longer than I aim for, there’s much to consider, and I encourage you to read it all if you can.
Trump & Israel – Where Things Are & Where They Might Go
With Bible in hand, we know that Israel must eventually be isolated from her enemies. As the Scriptural foundation for this has been discussed in previous letters, we will not examine it in any depth here. A simple reading of a number of prophecies makes this quite clear, for Israel is forced to turn to their God for salvation (see Isaiah 63:1-3, etc.). That being the case, there was great cause for excitement with the Biden administration. They acted against Israel in great ways, and there were numerous plausible possibilities which could have led to Israel fighting her Islamic neighbors on their own just as prophesied (Psalm 83, Zechariah 12, 14, etc.).
But now things appear to have been reversed with Trump’s election. As we saw earlier, Trump has already removed the arms restrictions to Israel and the sanctions which Biden just placed on Israeli settlers. He has cut funding to UNRWA which is perhaps the most antisemitic faction of the United Nations. While Israel has been vilified for their actions in the Gaza Strip against Hamas, Trump and his team are supporting Israel, and the new Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has stated that “I support Israel destroying and killing every last member of Hamas” (All Israel News). The same article noted what a marked difference this is from the previous administration, and that “The Biden team literally never said anything of the kind over the last 15 months.” On top of this, Trump’s new UN ambassador pick Elise Stefanik believes that Israel has a “biblical right” to the Gaza Strip, another stark contrast to the Biden administration (Al Jazeera). Indeed, Trump has pledged to be a staunch supporter of Israel, and actions are so far resonating with words.
As Biden appeared to be moving the needle closer to the time when Israel would cry to their Lord, Trump’s election might therefore appear to be an enormous step backwards. The thought is, “If the US is now a great friend of Israel, doesn’t this mean that the prophecy remains far into the future?” Not so fast.
First, I believe it’s critical to draw the distinction between when Christ begins conquering on the earth and when Christ gathers his household for judgment. These are two very different things which occur at different times, and I believe they could be separated by months or even years. This will be the subject of a special Prophecy Letter which we will send out in the near future (Lord willing), but we mention it now as it’s important to be aware of. The point is, if we know that Christ will save Israel from the Psalm 83 nations when their confederacy attacks, those who have come into covenant should not expect to see that confederacy come against Israel. There are things which will involve servants of the Lord prior to this, and we therefore shouldn’t be discouraged if things don’t always appear to be on the cusp of breaking into all-out war.
That being said, it is naïve to conclude that US-Israel ties will always be as cozy as they are now, and there are certain subjects which the US and Israel do not always see eye to eye on. For example, Trump recently gave an ultimatum that there must be a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas before he assumes the presidency, and this ultimatum was also aimed at Israel (World Israel News). Trump was not happy with some of the things Israel was doing, and things could develop in the future which cause for a rift between the two allies.
But all of this is conjecture, and in my finite mind, I believe that Israel and the US will likely be close allies, at least in the near term. All we know is that Israel will eventually stand alone, the question is simply when and how. With Biden, it looked like America would be able but unwilling to help Israel in their hour of need. With Trump, the most likely scenario is for America to be willing but unable to help Israel, and that could be the result of a third World War.
We have already seen that Trump has taken a hard stance against Russia and China, and it’s not hard to see how things could explode into a world-wide conflict. History has shown that World Wars determine who rules the roost, and it’s very possible that the US could be kicked out of the number one spot. We note what might be a hint of this earth-shattering result in two prophecies: Ezekiel 38:13 says that the western powers will merely verbally oppose Gog when he moves southward toward Israel, and Psalm 48:7 says that the Tarshish powers will be broken “with an east wind”, which just so happens to be the name of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile (it is called the Dongfeng, which is Chinese for “east wind”). Considering that Russia, China, and Iran have been actively building a coalition to fight US supremacy for years, this seems like a very real possibility. When I read what the Bible says the nations are going to do, I cannot help but feel that things will have changed significantly from what we see today. These changes could be made very quickly, but there certainly appears to be a shift in power and dynamic. Again, we emphasize that this does not mean that Christ will not return for a while. Rather, it’s my belief that we could be gathered at any moment.
All of this is to say that we can’t know for sure when and how things will happen, but we do know that God’s Word will be accomplished. But as relates to Israel, there is one prophecy which Trump will certainly help to further (whether he knows it or not). While he is pro-Israel, some US Jews are hesitant about his second term. Why? An article from Ynet News explains that “Since his first election, we’ve seen a spike in antisemitic incidents in the U.S”. Even though Trump might be pro-Israel, many US citizens are not, and as they despise Trump himself and everything he represents, his increased support of Israel therefore also increases the villainization of Israel by his opponents. Considering that “half the world now holds ‘significantly antisemitic’ views”, Trump’s pro-Israel policy is likely to increase antisemitism in every country (All Israel News). This will help further the prophecies concerning the regathering of the Jews to their ancient homeland as foretold in so many places (Isaiah 27:13, 43:6, Psalm 147:2). History has shown that the greatest driver to bring Jews back to the land is persecution in their foreign lands, and there’s no greater example of this than the Holocaust (see Jeremiah 16:14-16 where God sends for “hunters” and “fishers” to force Jews back to the land). While the work of regathering dispersed Jews will continue into the reign of Christ, it is clear that they will continue to pour in until he returns (Zechariah 10:8-10, Isaiah 5:26-27).
Let’s now look at how Trump might be utilized to bring about other prophetical development on the greater world scene:
Trump & the Rest of the World – The Role Trump May Play
For clarity, we will look at this by considering each nation independently and examine what prophecy says about them, what they’re trying to achieve, and how Trump might factor in. Let’s start with
Saudi Arabia
The role of Saudi Arabia has been the subject of diverse Christadelphian thought, some seeing them as “the Ishmaelites” of Psalm 83 and therefore against Israel, and others see them as “Sheba and Dedan” of Ezekiel 38 and therefore friendly (or at least neutral) with Israel. Some go so far to say that the Saudis will help Israel fight against Gog, but this makes Ezekiel 38:13 say too much. What is Saudi Arabia’s role?
The reason for these differing views is primarily because of geography and where these entities existed in the past. It’s well established that the Ishmaelites of Psalm 83 inhabited the northern half/majority of the Arabian peninsula, and this therefore inescapably points to the Saudis. But Sheba and Dedan are harder to pinpoint, and some maps show them encompassing the entire Arabian peninsula (which seems to me to be an enormous generalization) while others show them to have inhabited only the southernmost parts of the peninsula. If this is the case, then Sheba and Dedan wouldn’t relate to Saudia Arabia at all, but rather countries like Oman and Yemen. From my studies, this is my current view, yet it also seems possible to me that as a result of the Psalm 83 conflict and the northernmost parts of the country being taken into Christ’s Kingdom, the Saudis in the southern part of the nation will have learned not to rebel, and they therefore show a different position when Gog comes down. For a more detailed identification of the Saudis, read these two Prophecy Letters from August 2023 and October 2023. To summarize, I am expecting Saudi Arabia to be part of the Psalm 83 conflict and then potentially change their tune after Christ’s establishes the Kingdom.
What is Saudi Arabia’s position today? The Saudis have historically been a rival of Iran, and this has been a large factor in driving them into peace talks with Israel on the basis of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Under Trump’s first term, the Saudis were close to making a peace and normalization deal with Israel, but this fell apart when the Biden administration took office. Their friendliness toward Israel then dwindled and turned into hostility, but now that Trump is back in, it seems like peace with Israel and warm ties with the US are high on the to-do list again:
Saudi Arabia Says It Will Increase U.S. Trade and Investment by $600 Billion – New York Times
So far, this is just a trade deal with the US and doesn’t directly involve Israel, but that part is surely to be worked on. As for peace with Israel, the Saudis have historically made it contingent upon Israeli acceptance of a Palestinian state, but an Israeli official recently restated Israel’s position that this is not agreeable to them (Times of Israel).
The Saudis want to be happy and rich, and they’ve shown that they will be friendly with whichever power is at the helm at the moment (thus their wavering from the US under the weaker Biden administration and flirtation with Iran and Russia). When considering how they might come against Israel with the other Psalm 83 players, it must be remembered that a World War could quickly change who is the world’s superpower. If the eastern powers of Russia and China were to somehow take the helm, we can be certain that the Saudis will make friendly ties with them.
It’s noteworthy that Saudi Arabia is seeking to fill the void that Iran has left with the weakening of their proxies (Bloomberg). A top Saudi diplomat is now scheduled to visit Lebanon for the first time in 15 years, showing that the Saudis are seeking a great role in the region (Reuters). If, therefore, the US is demoted from being the world’s superpower and the Saudis gain great sway in the area, they could even become the gel that forms the Islamic confederacy much like Iran was trying to do. This could also explain why Iran (Persia) is not included in the confederacy. There are countless other ways that things could work toward a similar end without a third World War happening, but it is all conjecture at this point.
Iran is an incredibly easy nation to discern in prophecy, for they are Scripturally named as Persia, and Iran was called Persia until very recent times (1935). It’s significant that the only role the Scriptures show them to have relates to the Ezekiel 38 conflict as one of Gog’s confederates. It’s for that reason that I believe their involvement in the Psalm 83 conflict is little to none.
Iran is quite unhappy with how things have panned out recently. They were loving the Biden administration as they were able to revamp their nuclear ambitions and even attack Israeli soil, but their proxies of Hezbollah and Hamas have now been severely weakened, and their influence in the region has therefore dwindled (though not disappeared). The Biden administration was weak on Iran, but Trump has made it clear that he would let Israel do what is necessary to remove Iran as a threat. As a clear show of this fear, the following was just reported:
Iran's Khamenei Halts Nuclear Weapons Program in Olive Branch to Trump – Newsweek
Is this genuine? Likely not, for it has also been reported that Iran has hit the “nuclear gas pedal” and is trying to achieve nuclear capability as fast as possible (FOX). I don’t believe that they would make as bold of movements against Israel while Trump is in power, but we will see. It’s certain that Iran will still seek to become a nuclear threat and destroy Israel, but their achievement of this seems unlikely with how things currently are. Yet perhaps this is the reason we see Iran come against Israel with Russia. Again, I get a feeling that when Russia comes against Israel, the status quo that we are accustomed to today will have been done away with. This could, of course, be wrong. But the big player that deserves a lot of discussion is
I have yet to meet anyone who believes that Gog is anyone other than Russia. There are a few ways we can reach this conclusion (though not to be discussed now for time and space), and we know that they will be the leader of a confederacy which will come against Israel “in the latter days” (Ezekiel 38:8, 16). From the testimony of the Word, I firmly believe that this will take place after the Psalm 83 conflict when Christ has destroyed those nations and planted himself as King in the land promised to Abraham and his seed. In every respect, I find the Scriptures to show that this first conflict sets the stage for Russia to come down.
Like Iran, Russia is another latter-day enemy of Israel that has had to do some reevaluating as of late. They recently lost their puppet Bashar Assad in Syria and therefore have less influence and presence in the Middle East. This has resulted in Russia losing an important sea port in the region. As AL-Monitor reports,
“Syria’s new authorities terminated a contract this week with a Russian company that had managed the port of Tartous for more than five years, further restricting the Russian presence in the country since the fall of the former Assad regime last month.”
This not only affects Russia ships in the region, but also their submarines which might be forced out of the Mediterranean (Telegraph). Trump’s reelection has made things worse as well. When the Biden administration weakened America’s posture on the world stage, some nations began to waver and build ties with Russia. But now that Trump is in, these same nations are starting to backtrack away from Russia, Armenia being just one example (Daily Digest). Adding to all of these troubles is the state of the Russian economy due to the cost of war and the sanctions which nations have put on Russia (Newsweek). Putin has to do something, and he can do one of two things: He could back down from Ukraine and his other national ambitions, and this would return a degree of financial stability because nations would remove the sanctions they’ve placed on Russia, or he could turn up the heat and start a war. Wars are the quickest way for nations to acquire wealth, but they are risky.
Seeing Russia’s situation, is it possible that Putin will back down from Ukraine and his other desires? Perhaps. It’s been reported that Putin is eyeing a reset of US-Russian relations and is open to dialogue with Trump on the Ukraine issue (ABC News, Bloomberg). Given the rising concern over the Russian economy, some Kremlin sources say that Putin believes his war goals have been met (Reuters, US News). We know that his goals of course haven’t been met, but he’s not one to admit defeat, so if he were to back down, he must be able to spin it so he still holds a trophy at the end.
While that’s possible, I feel it’s unlikely as there are multiple points of tension and conflict which will likely rule the day. There’s just as much, if not more, evidence that Putin will press onward and bring things to all-out war. “Chilling” threats have been made from Russia to the US in recent days (The Mirror), and Russia has been preparing for a possible attack on NATO. To NATOs surprise, Russia has been able to rearm faster than was thought (Telegraph). Russia is historically known for being ultra concerned with security, and so the more that the West prepares to combat Russia, the more threatened Russia feels. It’s a vicious cycle which has brought us to where we are today. While it could occur quickly or well into the future, it seems that a third World War is almost inevitable.
We must of course ask the most important question: Does Scripture shed light on this? Considering what we know about latter-day prophecy, I believe a third World War is a very natural way for Ezekiel 38 to be fulfilled. I want to suggest that we might be witnessing the need for the spoil which will entice Gog to come against Israel. The “gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance” which Christ and Israel will acquire from “all of the heathen round about” is what will draw Gog down, for we read,
Ezekiel 38:11-13 – And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages… (12) To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land. (13) Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
Compare this passage with the one we cited in Zechariah 14:14 and 2:4-5, and we see that Gog will want what Israel just acquired under Christ.
Here’s something to consider as to how Ezekiel 38 might fit into a third World War. While fighting large wars like a World War, nations eventually have to resupply, and history shows that they will take it from whatever sources can be found. Imagine the following scenario:
World War III breaks about between the United States and NATO against Russia, China, and Iran. War begins and America finds themselves having to commit most, if not all, resources to fighting this war. It’s at this time that the Islamic nations around Israel see their opportunity to attack Israel, for Israel’s greatest and most powerful ally is too occupied by the other forces to support Israel. Christ and the saints appear to Israel’s salvation, and he establishes the Kingdom in Jerusalem and gathers the spoil of all of the heathen round about. Russia, having been depleted both militarily and financially from the Ukraine war, is burdened by having to also fight the United States, and they are desperate for the funds and resources to supply their military. It’s at this time that they notice that an unidentified Jewish figure has pronounced himself “King of Israel” and has acquired all of the wealth of the nearby Islamic nations. And not only this, but their intelligence shows that Israel dwells safely without any defensive bars or gates? Putin then “thinks an evil thought” and seeks to acquire the spoils of Israel’s recent war, but they are utterly defeated by the King of Kings.
This scenario would explain a few things in my mind. Firstly, as already stated, why Israel is on their own, for the US would be occupied and the British powers would be in process of being broken “with an east wind” by China. Secondly, it would give natural explanation to the cause-and-effect relationship which we find between the Psalm 83 and the Ezekiel 38 conflicts. Lastly, the idea of Gog coming down to Israel in the midst of a third World War would explain why Russia already has a confederacy when they come against Israel. This confederacy does not exist today (though it is building), and the Scriptures show that Russia is a protector and leader of these nations before they come against Israel (Ezekiel 38:7). We are already seeing Russia begin to establish military partnerships as the prospects of WWIII loom large (Moscow Times).
These are just ideas, but we can rest assured that God’s plan is on track just as it always has been. We were planning to discuss China, but time and space limit us. Whatever happens, it looks like 2025 is going to be a year of many big “breaking news” stories, and while Trump stated that “God saved my life to make America great again” (World Israel News), we conclude that he was likely spared for reasons of a very different nature. Lord willing, he will be the last president of the United States before the country is forced to bow to the sceptre of our Lord and Master, for “all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him” (Psalm 72:11).
In the Hope of Israel,
Tanner Hawkins
Reflection and Anticipation - The New Year and the World at Present
TGP Prophecy Letter – January 9, 2025
Brothers, sisters, and friends, the year is now 2025. For many of us, we never thought that we would get this far as there have been so many instances when the return of Christ seemed imminent! Speaking honestly, my young self currently thinks within, “Surely the Lord will return in my lifetime. It’s hard to imagine time going on for another 50 years or more with how the world has been going.” Yet, this same exact thought was probably shared by those who are now the elders of their ecclesia and are 70 years old and above. Time somehow races forward faster than we realize. Indeed, I believe that many of the pioneer Christadelphian writers would be shocked to learn that the age of man has continued on for as long as it has.
Yet here we are, and time continues to march on. It is a testament that God works in His own good time and is neither hasty nor impulsive in His doings. Our Father is patient, long-suffering, and steadfast to His eternal plan – attributes which we, as His adopted sons and daughters, are to strive for and which our Elder Brother so perfectly exemplified. We are thus reminded of the exhortation given to us by James,
James 5:7 – Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
The more time goes on before Christ returns, the more time we have to learn and practice patience, and if we allow this to have its proper place in our lives, we’re told that we will “be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4). Therefore, instead of sulking in the prospect of living out another year on this sin-stricken earth, we take a deep breath and gird our loins for whatever amount of time remains in this dispensation, pushing ourselves forward with the Scriptures as our driving force, comfort, and foundation, for we are told in
Hebrews 10:35-37 – Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. (36) For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. (37) For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.
With the proper mindset, we can now look at the world scene today and consider what 2025 might have in store. 2024 was a year full of incredible developments, and we expect this year to continue that pattern, and likely increase in intensity. We are going to examine a number of subjects as briefly as I’m capable of writing to see where we are today and what prophecies we expect to see developed and, Lord willing, fulfilled.
War Update: Hamas, Hezbollah, & Houthi Rebels
The war which began on October 7 of 2023 with the invasion of Hamas into Israel is still going on, but it appears that it could be in its end stages. Israel has certainly been the dominating force in this conflict, and the main subject of conversation at this time is the release of the remaining hostages. Hamas is unwilling to give them up unless the IDF agrees to fully withdraw and end the war (World Israel News). These are terms which Israel is not likely to agree to, so the conflict will likely remain open. What makes this even more likely is the fact that Hamas has already replaced nearly ALL of their war losses! The IDF estimates that Hamas had roughly 25,000 fighters when the war began, and Israel has since wiped out 17,000-20,000 terrorists. But as World Israel News reports,
“Despite Hamas’ significant losses, the terror group has effectively replenished its ranks… Together with the much smaller Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization, the two terror groups now have between 20,000 to 23,000 men under arms in the Gaza Strip.”
The Jerusalem Post has confirmed this. What does all of this mean? It means that this war could drag on for a long time. Yet it must be recognized that these are new recruits who are not as trained as the terrorists they are replacing. Time will tell.
As for Hezbollah to the north, Israel still holds some territory there, and the agreement which was made with the Lebanese government (not Hezbollah) is still tentative. Any sort of “peace” is not likely to result from this as we know that the only time Israel will have peace round about will be when “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNNESS” reigns (Jeremiah 23:6). Israel has threatened further action unless Hezbollah sets themselves in order:
Both the Hamas and Hezbollah fronts have been relatively quiet lately compared to that of the Houthi rebels in Yemen (a nation on the southern-most portion of the Arabian peninsula). This proxy of Iran has fired missiles at Israel and has already had skirmishes with Israel and the United States. Israel has declared that they are preparing for a new battlefront against the Houthi rebels (The Washington Post) and warned that they might share the same fate as Hamas and Hezbollah (Reuters). As the Houthis are one of Iran’s last semi-capable proxy forces, this actually gets to the Israel-Iran conflict which we’ll talk about in a minute.
But before we move on, I believe it’s important to express no surprise at how the Hamas conflict has gone and somewhat “fizzled down”. Back when Hamas invaded, some expressed certainty that it marked the beginning of the Psalm 83 conflict, but it seemed too much of a statement at that early time, for the Psalm 83 war shows a confederacy of nations attacking Israel, not individual attacks at different times:
Psalms 83:4-5 – They have said, Come, and let us (plural) cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. (5) For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee (Israel):
At the very outset, it seemed possible that this confederacy could form as Hezbollah eventually joined the conflict and Syria made half-hearted motions of war, but it was soon apparent that Hamas and Hezbollah were fighting their own wars with little support except from Iran. The situation didn’t match what we read in Scriptures, and we therefore conclude that this is likely yet another “tremble” of the earth which warns of the greater earthquake to come. We say likely because the conflict is not yet over and could quickly re-escalate. My view is that this conflict could be one of the reasons for the Psalm 83 confederacy. Perhaps this is God’s way of coercing the Islamic nations to finally learn that if they are to have any real impact on Israel, they must work together and therefore create the prophesied confederacy. We wait to see. Now, let’s look at
Iran & Its Difficult Situation
The conflict we just discussed is an incredible disappointment for Iran, for not only have they found two of their puppets (Hezbollah and Hamas) to be insufficient, but Iran has itself taken a few direct blows from Israel. Adding to this is their loss of their Syrian puppet, for the Assad government was overthrown in a violent rebellion last year and now lies in the hands of Syrian rebels who largely despise Iran. The Persians (as they are Scripturally known – Ezekiel 38:5) therefore have two basic options left for harming Israel: the Houthis in Yemen or a direct attack from Iran itself, likely of nuclear nature. It is here that we see the greatest potential for this conflict to escalate!
While Iran is boosting their support of the Houthis, they are also fervently prepping for nuclear action. Iran has stated that 2025 will be “an important year” for the nuclear issue (AOL). French President Macron has warned that Iran’s nuclear program is nearing “the point of no return” (Al Jazeera). All of this was helped by the Biden administration as Iran was able to quadruple their illegal oil exports during Biden’s term, thus bringing in the necessary income to invest in their nuclear program (World Israel News). Iran now knows Israeli jets and bombers can reach Iranian soil, so they have recently begun air defense military drills near their Natanz nuclear facility (The Times of Israel).
Israel is therefore determining whether they need to take out the Houthi puppet in Yemen or the Iranian puppeteer himself (Wall Street Journal). With today’s modern warfare, Israel can harm Iran either through physical strikes or cyber warfare. Israel is certainly prepping now for both, but the physical strikes are what are being openly threatened, and this could lead to a full-blown war:
Israeli military preparing for 'extreme' Iranian attack - report – World Israel News
H.R. McMaster says ‘100% chance’ Israel targets Iran’s nuclear facilities – Washington Examiner
WATCH: Iranian TV airs simulation of multi-pronged attack on Port of Eilat – World Israel News
In any scenario, we expect Iran to be largely hindered from playing an active role in the Psalm 83 conflict due to their omission from that prophecy. We shall see, yet amidst all of these things is yet another moving part:
The New Role of Syria in the Middle East
The big question is, how is Syria going to be run with the new government? What will be their position on things? Will they be friendly to Israel? Can they be turned into a puppet government like the Assad government was? These are the questions which the nations rulers are asking, and we find ourselves doing the same.
Consulting the Word of God, I believe we can conclude that Syria will be a player in the Psalm 83 conflict thanks to their mention in Isaiah 17:1-7 as Damascus and Psalm 83 as the Hagarenes and Assur (many maps show that ancient Assyria encompassed not only modern Iraq, but also the northern portion of modern Syria). If this is the case, we know the end result of the matter, but this does not mean that the current government in Syria will be the means of accomplishing it. So, what is the new Syrian government like?
Initially, they made clear statements that they desired peace with Israel and did not want to be anything like the previous administration. However, actions speak louder than words, and all actions so far (to my knowledge) show their antisemitic Islamic convictions. While they have yet to write a new constitution, they have made sure to change the textbook curriculum to teach the hatred of Jews and all other non-Muslims to their youth, teaching that the Jews are condemned and have gone astray (World Israel News). This new government is an off-shoot of al Qaeda, and I believe they will eventually pursue their antisemitic passions. Even if they don’t, Syria could be the grounds for an entirely new war between Israel and Turkey as the Turkish government desires to be the “new Iran” of Syria.
Israeli minister: 'Turkey is becoming the new Iran in Syria' – World Israel News
Turkey-backed Syria may be bigger threat than Iran, says Israeli government panel – Middle East Eye
Turkey and Israel closer to confrontation with Erdogan – The Jerusalem Post
I know of no prophecy which shows a direct conflict solely between Israel and Turkey, but this does not mean that one will not happen. It would likely be another developing event to set up other events. Yet I do see how it could relate to Isaiah 17 where “Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1). There is no mention of Syria in the prophecy, but rather just the capital of Syria: Damascus. While this currently signifies Syria in the same way that Moscow refers to Russia, Damascus could refer to Turkey’s presence in the area if Turkey were to take over and occupy Syria. This latter aspect would have to be true for it to refer to Turkey. For now, we watch to see what will unfold. It is noteworthy that the only place we read of a war with Israel and Turkey is Ezekiel 38 when Russia and the rest of her confederacy comes down.
Yet another cause for concern for Israel is Egypt.
Egypt Building Up Their Military
Egypt has largely played either a silent or a mediatory role in the last few years, but reports have now come in showing that Egypt has been quietly preparing for something big:
Friend or foe? Egypt's $5 billion arms buildup and the question no one's asking – All Israel News
Warnings: Egypt Prepares for Military Confrontation with Israel – The Jewish Press
Israel requests answers for Egypt’s increased military presence in Sinai Peninsula – All Israel News
What I find interesting is the lack of mention of Egypt in latter-day wars. Some try to identify “the Hagarenes” of Psalm 83 as Egypt on the grounds that Hagar was an Egyptian, but this is weak ground and ignores the fact that there were a Hagarene people north of Israel. I do not find Egypt in Psalm 83, nor do we find them in Ezekiel 38. When we look at a Middle East map of the players in the latter-day wars, Egypt is the only void unaccounted for (as my studies show at least). However, we do read is that the Lord will smite Egypt, and they will afterwards be a blessed nation and favored with God when they turn to Him (Isaiah 19:16-25). It would therefore seem that the Lord executes some kind of vengeance upon them, but how and when is not exactly known at present. The subject requires further study, and I have yet to carry out an in-depth consideration of it. As of now, it appears that they may fight against Israel in some capacity.
A Different US for 2025
With Donald Trump to resume the office of president of America later this month, we can expect the US to at least seek to be the opposite of what it has been the previous four years. The Biden administration was largely soft on Iran and was unfriendly toward Israel, and Biden has recently announced that military aid to Israel was being pulled (World Israel News). Trump has already shown how he plans to change this. Consider what has already been stated from Trump’s administration:
US Congress Launches Friends of Judea and Samaria Caucus – Israel365 News
Trump won't tolerate Houthi attacks, will 'threaten' Iran - report – World Israel News
As of now, this is all talk as Trump doesn’t take office until January 20th, but Trump’s first term showed that he often means what he threatens, and America was certainly more feared under his rule. I would expect Iran to be heavily thwarted in Trump’s term and US-Israel relations to skyrocket in the positive direction, but this is based on a natural view of the situation. There are other factors involved and unforeseen events which can arise and change everything. Concerning the Word of prophecy, we know that Israel must stand alone, and this seems unlikely with Trump’s current position. What I do see is the heightened potential for a third world war as Trump appears more willing to stand ground than Biden. This could also bring about Israel’s isolation.
WWIII Fears and Prospects Grow
Some are asking, Has World War III already begun? When we look back at the previous two world wars, the actually start of the war is often debated, but most agree that the wars actually began before the world recognized the conflict as a world war. I believe the same will be said of a Third World War (should one occur). As to what will have started it, perhaps future historians will look back point to the Ukraine war? Perhaps it will start with a Chinese invasion of Taiwan? There are many other possibilities, but there is enough sign of big trouble to come that some financial experts claim that it has already begun, and they are acting accordingly (Moneywise). Adding to this fear is North Korea’s continued involvement in the Ukraine war, and some of Kim Jong Un’s big guns have been spotted on the Ukrainian frontline (New York Post). And then there is the increased animosity between China and the US to be mentioned, China recently issuing fresh warnings that their hackers could bring down America’s infrastructure “at will” (Prophecy News Watch).
On every front, we see more war and trouble, and while this means chaos for the world, it’s a great consolation for the servants of the Most High. Our Father has declared that He is the doer of these things, and they are part of His eternal plan to cleanse the earth and rule it in righteousness through His son Jesus Christ:
Zephaniah 3:8-9 – Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. (9) For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.
The LORD is gathering the nations for battle. But as this prophecy shows, it is afterwards that the nations will return to a pure language (which I firmly believe is Hebrew, the original language), and this will be done so that all can come up to learn and worship before the Lord.
The Good in All of This Trouble
While it is easy to see only bad things happening (from a natural view, at least), there is much good that is also occurring as a result of the trouble. One thing is the increased return of the Jews to their ancient homeland as they flee the persecution in their home countries. The regathering of Israel is a central point in God’s plan, and while there are many passages on this subject, Zechariah 10 gives a great overview of it:
Zechariah 10:6-12 – And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the LORD their God, and will hear them. (7) And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD. (8) I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased. (9) And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again. (10) I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and place shall not be found for them. (11) And he shall pass through the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away. (12) And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the LORD.
While some of the gathering of Israel will take place after Christ has established his Kingdom, much of it has already been occurring and continues to occur. 2024 was a testament to this with how many Jews returned to Israel, and 2025 looks like it will see even more return!
35,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel since last year's Hamas Oct 7 terror attack – All Israel News
Sa’ar calls for national plan to prepare for mass aliyah – World Israel News
The other good thing to come of this trouble is that many people are looking once again to the Bible. Men and women are seeking comfort and answers as to what is going on with the world, and many are turning to the Bible to find these answers. In what might be a surprise, the following report was just released:
In considering the prophecies concerning how the Lord will gather the nations, we recall that many things are done “so that the heathen may know” God and turn to Him. Much of this is technically said to occur with the latter-day wars once Christ is physically on the earth, but I believe we see some of this import now as the working of the angelic host in the political heavens is causing some to seek out God.
This bears direct relation to us as servants of the Lord. The role of the ecclesia is to be a light in the world so that any who seek after the truth might be able to find it. We are commanded in
Philippians 2:15-16 – That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; (16) Holding forth the word of life.
We are being presented with the opportunity and responsibility to share the good news with our perishing neighbors who still reside in Adam. Our preaching should not only be through our words, but also our demeanor and posture. While the rest of the world is fearful and uncertain, our quiet, unshakable confidence in God allows us to be strong and unmoved when the sea and waves roar. Our character should be like that which Christ exhibited while on a boat with his disciples in Matthew 8:23-26. The sea and waves roared and threw the boat about, and his disciples cried out, “Lord, save us, we perish!” Yet Christ was asleep in the hull of the boat, a manifestation of the confidence and trust he had in God. “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” he replied.
Therefore, let us be strong in faith and fearless in our profession of our Master, for he warns, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.” Let us make wise use of our remaining time to strengthen ourselves and those around us, holding forth the word of life and rejoicing more and more unto the coming of our Master!
In the Hope of Israel,
Tanner Hawkins