Prophecy Letters

"Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." Matt. 13:16-17

The Prophecy Letter is a circular letter that we send out relating to the development of latter-day prophecy.

July 2024

Prophecy & the Decline of America

TGP Prophecy Letter – July 25, 2024


By now, everyone is aware of the utter turmoil which now characterizes America’s upcoming presidential election. An assassination attempt was recently carried out against former President Trump which is wrought with conspiracy and collusion, and President Biden, despite boldly claiming that he was mentally fit for the role of president, performed so badly in a debate that his own party has called for his removal from the race. He has since stepped out of the presidential race and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. There is much to talk about on these subjects, but as we look at things in relation to God’s plan as revealed through prophecy, there are two things in particular we focus on:

1.     The state and strength of the US as a world power

2.     The relationship between the US and Israel

When talking about latter-day events, these are the two primary roles we must look at with the US. They are undoubtedly related, for if the US were to be replaced as the leading power of the world, this would naturally affect their relationship with Israel as they would be less able to help. The results of the upcoming election will directly affect both of these things. Let’s consider each on their own in light of the Word.

I find it necessary to place a disclaimer before we delve into this. Christadelphians place their citizenship in the Kingdom to come, not in any nation of this world. Like the other faithful of old, we seek “a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10) and therefore consider ourselves “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13). We neither vote nor take part in political office, not only because we consider ourselves strangers here and such would be inappropriate, but because we know that it is God who appoints rulers, and He does so to accomplish His own purpose. While many people assume that God’s going to appoint whoever will take the best care of the nation, this view is not that which is taught in Scripture. God sets rulers up for the rising of certain and nations as well as for the fall of certain nations.

Establishing these things, I therefore aim diligently to consider the things occurring in the US (the nation of my residence) from the point of view of mere a bystander. I do not wish for Trump or whichever Democratic candidate to assume office because I do not know which one will accomplish God’s will for the nation. From studying the Word and examining the current political and world scene, I have my opinions as to who might better carry out what we find in the Scriptures, but as the events have yet to unfold, they are merely studied opinions based on the ever-changing present. That being established, let’s get into it.

The US as a World Power

We find no direct mention of the US in prophecy, but I believe we do find them referred to in two senses: one is more direct whereas the other is circumstantial. As to the most direct reference to the US, this can only be their inclusion under the helm of the “lions of Tarshish” of Ezekiel 38, for America is one of the many nations who sprang from the Lion power of Britain. Their involvement in this sequence of events is telling.

The entirety of their involvement in the affair as revealed in Scripture is shown by their one question to the Gogian power: “Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13). Much has been made of this statement, some claiming that this shows a direct, full-out war between Russia and the Western powers, but this is simply making the text say far too much. All that we’re told about is this brief question. The most we can make of it is a harsh rebuke of Russia for their movements and intent, but even this seems to be too much of a stretch if we are to abide by what the passage actually says. The chapters show Russia progressing toward Israel and mention nothing of any obstacle they face on the way. Apart from this one question, they are unopposed.

However, I believe that this may show the results of a big change on the international landscape. Consider: if Russia were to make their advance against Israel today, what would be the western response? It’s possible that they’d treat it much like Ukraine where they give arms and speak bold words but don’t directly fight Russia for fear of starting a third World War, but this scenario seems unlikely simply because of the value of the Middle East. If such an attack were to occur at this very moment, I believe the western powers (specifically the US) would feel compelled to intervene militarily. Diplomacy would be attempted at first, but the stakes would be too high for the West to allow Russia to take the Middle East. I believe a direct confrontation would occur, and although Ezekiel 38 does not depict this event, it seems to me that it may show the aftermath of such a war between Russia and the West where America no longer runs the show.

We read constantly of the dwindling US power (though still very strong) and the rise of Russian and Chinese capabilities. Should a third World War break out, it’s very possible that the US is replaced as the most powerful nation on earth. They would therefore be weakened in their ability to protect themselves and their interests, Israel and the Middle East included. It seems to me that the events of Ezekiel 38 are more likely to occur after such an event than before it, for if the US and the West have been badly bruised, it makes sense that they simply question or verbally protest Gog’s intent as they’re unable to do anything else. This is a scenario which I personally believe makes more sense, but time will tell.

As to the circumstantial evidence of America’s likely decline in that future day, this actually stems out of a lack of reference, i.e. – Israel is shown as standing alone against her enemies in her most desperate time of need (Isaiah 63:3). When Israel is at their most desperate point, where is the nation which has historically been their greatest ally? Why is it that only the Lord who goes “forth for the salvation of thy people” (Habakkuk 3:13)? Why does it say that “In that day shall the LORD (and no others) defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem” (Zechariah 12:8)? The fact that there is neither mention nor hint of any power other than CHRIST helping Israel raises many questions about the status of America in that future day. Why is America not helping Israel? If the US has either been weakened or has become unwilling to help Israel, it makes perfect sense.

The relevance of this in relation to America is clear. I fully expect the US to further decline as a world power, and the results of the upcoming election will bear on this heavily. The Biden administration has already weakened the US in dramatic ways. Instead of increasing military capability and defense, priority has been given to “diversifying” the armed forces so it is more “inclusive”. This is actually one of the reasons why Trump was nearly assassinated, for the woman who was placed in charge of the Secret Service for Trump was focused on “diversifying” the Secret Service instead of hiring the most capable candidates (Daily Signal). When one watches the video of the assassination attempt and pays close attention to the Secret Service, it is abundantly clear that they were not organized or capable of carrying out their role. Some of the women agents ducked at the gun fire instead of covering the former president. Some trembled and were barely able to holster their pistols out of panic. This same logic is being applied to the military, and it is cause for America’s enemies to rejoice.

Should Trump resume office, I believe it would work to strengthen the country not only militarily, but with their bond with Israel. If Kamala gets in office, it seems that this will merely accelerate the decline of the US as the leftist agenda would continue grow and be enforced.

As to what forces are actually weakening America, there are many. Many are aware of how the leftist and “woke” movements have undermined the moral standing of the nation, and this permeates to all facets of society. What many are likely not aware of is the typical life cycle of an empire. All of the great empires of the world have come and gone. The empires of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome all reached incredible heights, yet all are gone today. Most recently added to that list was the British empire which officially disappeared completely in 1997 when Britain pulled out of Hong Kong. The last remaining “great” power is that of the US, and although it is not technically an empire, it is considered and treated as one. There are certain “stages of life” which nations and empires go through which begin with vigor, progress to structure and integrity, and finally reach a degree of power, abundance, and comfort. But once this is reached for some time, decline sets in and is manifested through complacency which quickly turns to apathy and dependence. Specialists on the subject have determined that the average lifespan of an empire is 250 years (Times-Standard).

Where is the United States in this cycle? It is clear that complacency and apathy have set in. But what’s even more striking is that America declared independence in 1776 and will celebrate its 250th birthday in 2026, just two years from now. Given the documented history of empires and particularly the endless signs of decline all throughout the nation, the pieces of the puzzle seem to line up with sobering precision.

The US is heading downhill and appears to be following the same line of decline as did Britain not that long ago. It was clear that Britain was no longer a viable world power as their grip on their empire began to slip, losing nations one by one. What sealed the deal was the 1956 Suez Crisis when Britain failed to protect her interests and present itself as a credible threat. They were seen as “tucking their tail between their legs”. In the same way, America was recently booted out of Afghanistan with similar embarrassment. They left so quickly that millions of dollars of military assets including over 70 aircraft and almost 100 vehicles were left in the desert (BBC). America continues to suffer embarrassment on other scenes today, and it seems that there will be many opportunities for other powers to usurp the US as the most powerful nation on earth.

Yet one possibility we haven’t mentioned as to why the US might be too weak to help Israel could be internal problems. We’ve mentioned the distrust amongst American voters, and it seems that no matter who wins the presidency, the losing side and their supporters will accuse the victors of cheating. We remember how many people cried “Not my president” when Trump won, and we also remember how many believed the system was rigged when Biden won the election after that. With how much the hatred and bitterness has intensified even since the 2020 election, can we imagine what it will look like this time around? It’s difficult to imagine a way for someone to win the election and things be okay afterwards. We are even seeing hints and fears of another civil war. Such an event would surely cripple America’s ability to be a viable foe on the international scene, and it would be an opportunity which America’s enemies would not hesitate to take advantage of.

So many signs indicate that there is going to be a significant change in the political heavens soon. As to what prophecy says about this, we conclude that is says nothing directly, but seems to show evidence of a weaker and less capable America. But there is another part to this we mentioned before which bears on this subject as well. It’s not just about how strong America is, it’s also about

America’s Relationship with Israel

It is entirely possible that America is still the leading world power when Israel is attacked and is therefore capable of helping, but still chooses not to. For one to offer help, one must be both able and willing, and not only is America becoming less able to help Israel, they’re simultaneously becoming less willing. Time would fail to list all of the ways the Biden administration has given Israel the cold shoulder and empowered her enemies. Depending on how this election goes at the end of the year, this could continue to get worse.

Trump was undoubtedly one of Israel’s greatest friends and one of the most pro-Israel presidents America has had. He claims that this state of things would resume should he become president again, and while I personally believe that this is true, things could happen between now and then which could change that. If, on the other hand, Kamala Harris becomes president, it’s my belief that we’ll witness the worst US-Israel relationship in history. Kamala’s positions on Israel are hardly complimentary. What friendly comments are made wreak of  political voidness and are not followed by action. Just this past week, Netanyahu addressed the US Congress, and Kamala decided to boycott his speech (The Jerusalem Post). She also did not greet him when his plane landed (something which is a common custom). While these things might seem small gestures to us, they speak volumes on the political scene, for in that world, everything is intentional and sends a message.

Concluding Thoughts

What are we to make of all of this? Concisely, here are my thoughts:

My findings from the Word suggest to me that something will occur which will either cause America to be unable or unwilling to help Israel when her prophesied enemies attack her. It’s possible that they will be both unwilling and unable. Nevertheless, if Trump assumes office, I believe America will have to be rendered unable to help simply due to his history of support for Israel. If Kamala assumes office, I believe the US will fast-track its current path of decline and leave Israel in the cold.

The good thing for us believers us that we are merely spectators of this roaring of the sea and waves. We are not to have a “preference” for who takes office, but know and take confidence in the fact that whoever becomes president will be the person who God has chosen to further His purpose. The most logical person to accomplish this in my mind would be Kamala, but God often works in ways which are not what we expect, and He does so to show His mighty hand. Prophecy was not given to glorify man, but to glorify God. He therefore often works in ways which directly contradict what people naturally assume. Adding to this is the fact that history has shown that we typically only fully understand a prophecy after it has been fulfilled, and we must therefore draw the same conclusions for those prophecies which have yet to be fulfilled. All we can do is take what we’re told in the Word for what it says, know that it will come to pass as it is written, and then try to fill in the blanks as much as we can undogmatically until it is actually fulfilled. The great thing is that it seems we will not need to wait long, and the closer we get to its fulfillment, the better our educated guesses should become as we have more pieces of the puzzle to work with.

In the time that does remain, let us follow these events just enough to keep up with what’s going on. If we become to involved in them, we’ll find that we will begin becoming political ourselves. Instead, let us see these signs and rejoice in the fact that our citizenship lies in a far better age which will be characterize not by war, deceit, and pride, but by righteousness, justice, and peace! We therefore do not place our hopes in the world in front of and beneath us, but look up to the heavens for our redeemer, “For our conversation  (literally “citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). May he come quickly!


In the Hope of Israel,

Tanner Hawkins

Imminent War with Lebanon, the Upcoming Multi-Front War, and the Rise in Antisemitism

TGP Prophecy Letter – July 2, 2024


There’s A LOT to discuss, and while we won’t be able to cover everything in this article, we’ll try to cover some of the most pressing subjects. What a blessing to have TOO MANY prophetical signs to comment on!

Israel’s Rafah Operation Nears an End

Israel’s operation in Rafah has thus far been successful, and Netanyahu has recently stated that the Hamas war is almost over and will begin to wind down (The Jerusalem Post). As mentioned in previous letters, we wonder whether this relates to the prophecy of Isaiah 11 when Israel would “fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west” (Isaiah 11:14). So far, it seems like it could be as Israel has done just that.

One important aspect of that prophecy is that it doesn’t show an isolated war between Israel and the latter-day Philistines (Hamas and the “Palestinians”), but rather shows that this campaign against Gaza marks the beginning of a greater conflict. After taking the land of the Philistines, the prophecy records that “they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.” This teaches us that more conflict is to come, specifically against Jordan as they comprise the land of Edom, Moab, and Ammon. While it doesn’t seem that Jordan is the next target for Israel (as of right now), it is clear that more war is to follow:

Netanyahu says war with Hamas almost over, Hezbollah war is next – The Jerusalem Post

Imminent War with Lebanon – To Spark the Proximal War?

The terrorist group Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel since the October 7 massacre. Now, as Israel feels more comfortable about their success in Gaza, it seems that they’re ready to address the Hezbollah threat and any others which might come with it. I’ll let the following headlines tell the story:

Preparing for war? IDF moves troops to Lebanon border – World Israel News

Israel to launch full-scale war, invade Lebanon in late July: Report – World Israel News

Israel threatens to wipe out Hezbollah in 'total war' as militants fire fresh barrage of rockets from Lebanon – Daily Mail

IDF generals approve battle plan for all-out war with Lebanon – World Israel News

Nasrallah vows 'no place' in Israel will be safe if war declared, threatens Cyprus – World Israel News

War in the Middle East on the brink of expanding, Borrell says – The Jerusalem Post

What’s particularly interesting is that a war between Israel and Hezbollah is unlikely to remain just between them, but will instead pull in other Arab nations just as we expect from prophecy. Arab nations are voicing their intent to join the conflict should Israel attack Hezbollah, and it’s no coincidence that these nations are precisely those which are named in Psalm 83! Assuming a war fully begins with Hezbollah (Gebal and Tyre of Psalm 83), the other nations we expect to join will be Iraq (Assur), Syria (Assur and the Hagarenes), Jordan, (Edom, Ammon, and Moab), Saudi Arabia (the Ishmaelites), and the Bedouins of the Negev (Amalek). This conflict is therefore a multi-front war involving nations which quite literally surround Israel, thus being referred to as “the nations/heathen round about” (Ezekiel 28:24, Zechariah 12:2).

Now, Iran is a big player in the events we’re witnessing, but as we’ve stated many times before, they are Scripturally named as Persia and are not mentioned in any of these prophecies concerning the final Arab-Israeli war. Their involvement is in the latter conflict involving Gog (Russia). Yet many of the Psalm 83 nations are called “Iranian Proxies”, meaning that they carry out Iran’s bidding from afar. They’re like Iran’s puppets. With those things in mind, it’s with incredible excitement that we consider these sobering facts being proclaimed in the news:

'A War in Lebanon Won't Be a Duel With Hezbollah; Israel Will Face Iran's Entire Axis of Resistance' - Podcasts – Haaretz

‘Iran fighting seven-front war on Israel’ – Netanyahu – World Israel News

Iran warns Israel of 'obliteration' if it attacks Lebanon, world leaders silent – World Israel News

Israeli offensive into Lebanon risks Iranian response to support Hezbollah, US military leader says – AP News

Iraqi terror group: 'We will join the war between Israel and Hezbollah' | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Thousands of Iran-backed fighters offer to join Hezbollah in its fight against Israel – AP News

An attack on Hezbollah is therefore being touted as an attack on all of Iran’s proxies and will therefore activate Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” against Israel. In Netanyahu’s mind, Israel is already fighting a seven-front war.

These news agencies do not hold a Biblical world view. They are not aware of the fact that what they’re publishing relates to prophecy – they’re simply broadcasting what’s developing from day to day. Yet we clearly see what prophecy has foretold in their reports! The Scriptures say that these Arab nations will “have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee (Israel) (Psalm 83:5). Do we not see this progressing as we speak?

Another important aspect of the Psalm 83 conflict is that we find Israel to fight alone, for it is this conflict which humbles them and results in their salvation by Christ and the saints. On this note, we have this recent statement from a General of Israel’s greatest ally, the US:

Gen. Charles Brown says US will not assist Israel in fighting Hezbollah – The Jerusalem Post

US support of Israel in this Hamas conflict has been very telling of the US-Israel relationship (something we’ll talk about in another letter), and while America is working to prevent a full-out war with Hezbollah, it seems that they’re unwilling to offer active assistance to Israel.

Another Strike on Iran?

We mentioned this briefly, but we ought to consider it more closely for a moment. We have been expecting Iran itself to be largely absent or uninvolved in the Psalm 83 conflict simply because they are not named there. Even if Iran controls the puppets which attack Israel, prophecy only mentions the attackers themselves, and I believe this explains how Iran can be the chess-mover of the Psalm 83 nations but also not be mentioned: they aren’t the ones carrying out the physical attack. Yet I’ve wondered if Israel would temporarily “knock out” this latter-day Persian, allowing them to recuperate and join Russia when they descend against Israel. The most likely scenario for this seems to have always been an Israeli strike on Iran as Iran continues to mature its nuclear program.

It was recently reported that Iran has defied Biden and the UN by continuing to enrich uranium for its nuclear weapons program (FOX News). As a result, it appears that Israel is prepping for another strike on Iran:

Preparing for action in Iran? IAF practices strikes on distant targets – Israel Hayom

Recent Israeli missile test could be drill for strike on Iran, or warning to leaders in Tehran – All Israel News

Iran vows to back Hezbollah in fight with Israel, general renews fear of imminent missile strike – FOX News

We recall that a successful strike was carried out on Iran’s defensive posts which surround the nuclear sites just a few months ago. This shows that Israel can strike again if they choose to do so. Should this occur, this could not only explain why Iran takes a backseat in this conflict, but also why they would activate their proxies against Israel. With great anticipation, we wait to see.

Resurgence of Antisemitism

What has been difficult to watch is the horrible rise in antisemitism which is permeating so many facets of society. The articles on this subject are far too many to list here, but almost everywhere you look, we find news of stabbings, shootings, and all kinds of atrocious acts carried out against Jews. A more disturbing fact is that this is often going unchecked and uncondemned by the world. A video was published fairly recently of a group of Muslims being led through the streets of London calling for the blood of Jews. In this video from World Israel News, you can clearly hear them saying, “We want the Zionists. We want their blood.” All the while, the police stood by.

What we are witnessing is the same kind of behaviour as was witnessed in the days leading up to World War II and the Holocaust. Many forget that Nazi Germany was not the only one persecuting the Jews. Horrible persecution took place in Poland and similar countries long before Germany invaded. In Russia, pogroms were a common occurrence. Such hatred did not arise overnight, but was the product of continual and gradual demonization of the Jews. Small acts of violence occurred which went largely unchecked and became the new normal – precisely the kind of thing we are seeing today. Not even 10 years ago, it would have been considered anathema to publicly support Hamas (which is a self-acclaimed terrorist organization) over the democratic nation of Israel, but this is now a common theme in universities.

But this is not just a few small groups being boisterous to make headlines. Nations are now taking the side of the Arabs, a fact witnessed by the increasing number of nations who are arbitrarily recognizing a state of Palestine. In our last report, the countries of Spain, Ireland, and Norway had all recognized the state. Since then, Slovenia and Armenia have joined the chorus (The Jerusalem Post).

What does this have to do with prophecy? Quite a great deal, actually. While there may be some prophecies which specifically talk about such an increase in antisemitism in the latter-days, the first thing I think of is how the world will respond to the Jewish Messiah’s Gospel dictate to the nations once the Arabs have been destroyed and the Kingdom established. The fourteenth chapter of Revelation records that a call will be dispersed throughout the earth to “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” (Revelation 14:6-7). What will the world do? Will they stand in awe of the unspeakably beautiful and lofty opportunity? While we earnestly wish this were the case, the Scriptures show the opposite response, lamenting in

Psalms 2:1-3Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  (2)  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,  (3)  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

Much of this unfortunate response will be due to human nature, the popular doctrine of humanism, and the Papal deception that this Jewish King is actually the Devil himself. Yet it seems to me that another part of this will be due to the fact that Christ will be called King of the Jews! It seems incredibly fitting that antisemitism would grow in the days leading up to Christ’s advent. This is precisely what we’re witnessing.

Yet this will not last forever, and the antisemitism we’re seeing now is very different than what the world will say of the Jew in the Kingdom Age. Once the veil has been lifted from the eyes of the nations, the following will be the new, everlasting reality:

Zechariah 8:21-23 And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also.  (22)  Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.  (23)  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.

What a wonderful contrast to the present situation, made all the more wonderful by the nearness of its fulfillment!

As a final note, there are some who believe that the world will naturally progress to the conditions of the Kingdom Age. Yet these present events, along with innumerable other points, show the inaccuracy of this notion. The world is getting further from this position on the Jews. Indeed, as the Scriptures say, only the direct intervention of our Lord and Elder Brother will change this planet for the better, and it is for this purpose that he will “appear the second time” (Hebrews 9:28). The world under the rulership of Christ is so different than that of man that it is called a “new heavens and a new earth”, of which wondrous things are spoken:

Isaiah 65:17-19For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.  (18)  But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.  (19)  And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

Therefore, we who seek the Lord yearn for his return, for “we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13). It is in this rejuvenated, righteously-ruled earth which we place our aspirations, and as long as we do our very best to keep our garments pure and white, we shall be part of that glorious multitude who, as the seed of Abraham, will inherit the eternal promises with Abraham and all of the other righteous of old (Galatians 3:29).

As always, there are yet many things we would like to discuss, but we will table them for another time. It is our prayer that these feebly constructed comments serve to exhort and strengthen brethren and sisters all around, even if only to a small degree.

In the Hope of Israel,

Tanner Hawkins

Note: Our title picture for TGP Prophecy Letter reflects our purpose with it. It depicts a watchman on top of the city walls blowing the shofar to warn and announce to the people the great signs of the Lord. The wall bears the Hebrew inscription "Prophecy Letter."